Sunday, February 27, 2011

Second Skin

So maybe its not practical, but I wish we didn't have to wear clothes. Kinky? Eh. Think about it. Clothing can cause such a stir or bring you down so much, when really its so much more comfortable to run around in your birthday suit.
Disclaimer: This post is probably inspired by all the beautiful pictures I've been seeing lately. Enjoy:


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This is me, volunteering at a local thrift store that benefits a humane society. I need the picture for a project, so I put it on her cause I'm technologically impaired and could not do it any other way. Sorry babes love you.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I want to take pictures like these with molecule in my body and every particle of my soul.

Go drink it all in at *We Live Young*

Oh Sweet Disappointment

I hate crying. Really, it shreds me up inside. I refuse to cry around anyone if I can help it, and would rather scream to be left alone than let someone comfort me when I have to endure it. Tonight, I sobbed in public and I'm not proud of it. The story goes like this. I was incredibly excited for a concert tonight, Bassnectar, along with other folks, such as the Glitch Mob and more. I accidentally had two tickets. My sweet mother bought me one and I bought myself one, so I decided I'd just sell the other ticket to lovely Tatiana. The tickets came in the mail, we went downtown early and were first in line, I did not forget my ticket, everything was fine. We got to the ticket check, and they inform me that the piece of paper I have is not actually the ticket. Its the receipt. I ran to the will call, and they gave me a real ticket. I ran back. That ticket had already been used. I ran back and they checked the account. That ticket had gone in seven minutes ago. Seven. Minutes. Tatiana, darling girl, had the real ticket. I started to break down. Cried for several minutes before I called Tati, told her I was going home, called my dad and got dropped off at Forrest's so that I could at least salvage the night. It was awful, one of the worst experiences I've ever had to be truthful. And the worst part? The other ticket is here in my house, on the computer. It was a print out ticket. Sweet disappointment, we're quite close friends now. Fortunately, I have the cure, a good dose of blog medicine, and brunch with an old wonderful friend tomorrow. Not to mention that last night was date night and it was great. I will relay all of that tomorrow. You go enjoy your evening, don't feel to bad for poor pitiful me. I'm soaking in music, and writing a letter. Everything happens for a reason.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Shoes Eh Ma Gawd Shoes

There are shoes up for giveaway over at my girl Sydney's blog, The Daybook. I am still not feeling so hot, but no more fever (yesterday it was 102.3, ouch!). Go enter, have fun.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It Was Awesome

Dear Internet Buddies,
I dragged my sick ass out of bed in order to go to a ukulele concert by the great Jake Shimabukuro (forrealz thats his last name). And it was awesome. Check him out soon.

Sick as a Dog

Dear Internet,

Wanna know what is my absolute favorite thing to do ever in the world? That might be staying up all night with cramps and nausea and a raging headache and a sore throat!
Or not. Actually, thats my absolute least  favorite thing.
The only way I know of to cure that is to pop some tums/nausea meds/cough medicine (my drugs are my best friends), fall back asleep, and then wake up for a few hours to whip up some crepes. Good comfort food.
I now must go stuff my face, drink some water and go back to bed.
Much love,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fancy Bags

Who wants a fancy camera bag? I do! Sydney (who I creeper-ishly call Syd in my head cause we're best friends and I know her life and I am obsessed with her. Just kidding y'all! Sort of.) is doing a THEIT bag give away and hopefully I will have a new precious Nikon baby of my own to tote around in that glorious bag soon.  If you guys wanna check it out, visit The Daybook and enter the giveaway.

 That last picture is what I'm feelin' like right now, and I'm about to be swamped with homework. Save me I'm drowning! Anyway, tata, hope you all have a lovely evening.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Itty Bitty Letters

Dear Boyfriend,
Go to sleep please, you were so tired tonight.

Dear Wonton Soup,
I wish I was good at making you

Dear Superbowl,
I don't understand you but GO PACKERS!

Dear Family,
I love you a bunch you guys are great even if you annoy me sometimes

Dear School,
Oh please just be over already

Dear Summer,
Oh please just hurry up and get here already

Dear Eyeliner,
Could you please be easier to put on in the morning?

Dear Julia,
I miss you

Dear everyone,

Goodnight, sweet dreams

Darling Girl

Oh Julia, how I miss you. Big as the sky darling, big as the sky.
All smiles

Julia's beautiful British BFF, Lara

Julia and Jay Beebs should get together (Just kidding. Love me some swagger shag)

Here are some photos I found on Facebook from the way yonder school of Julia. Actually, Outdoor Academy, but the former is what I refer to it in my head. Enjoy!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Clearance, Clarence

I'm sorry darlings, I have nothing to report.
Forrest is sick (poor baby), and I am bundled up in a cold office on a rainy Friday afternoon. Wishing for summer I am I am.
I'll redirect you for reading pleasure, and the pictures below are from one of the first adventures Fofo and I ever took, up on the Blue Ridge Parkway. He some how lured me out of bed with a hot chai and very nice camera and we ended up climbing up the side of a rock face to appreciate the valley below. Such a nice boyfriend. I hope you are having a simply lovely night, I think I'll go make some tea and have a biscotti.
Much love,
p.s. Oh! Naomi over at Rockstar Diaries had her baby! Its a beautiful baby girl! And the woman guest posting is a dream too
p.p.s. New picture size! I can't decide. Too much? Better? Check it yo'
I love you THIS MUCH

Handsome Man

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Little Things

It is so nice to know that someone thinks your beautiful. Not just like 'Dude, that chicks fuckin' hot', but really beautiful. Even just one person thinking that brightens up my life. And, lucky gal that I am, I have several someone's like that. Julia, for one. I got a letter from her today and it broke my heart with happiness and missing her. (In case your wondering, she's having a fantastic time--I'm jealous all to heck--has a new British BFF, plays music, has become a morning person, takes hikes everyday, makes food and does yoga with sun shining in through huge beautiful windows. Sound like where its at? It does to me dude, it definitely does to me. I might sneak in.) And second of all, I have Forrest. Man that boy makes me smile. He is so good to me, you have no idea. Plus, he's totally proud of having me as his girlfriend, which is pretty flattering. Twue wuv, ya think? Meeeehbeeee.
Alright, enough with the gushin'! I'm off to dance badly and outrageously to incredibly trashy pop music. Teenage Dream anyone? And why I admit these things on the Internet, I'll never know.

Other Things On My Mind:
-Being deathly terrified of my Spanish teacher.
-Having a shoulder that is no longer painful to move! Score!
-"Need Another Bitch" Oh Biggie... (see, I can get my gangsta on if I want to)
-How cold my feet are. I'm not sure if I even have toes anymore
-Big fuzzy hippie fleeces stolen from Boyfriend. I'm in love
-I want a big beautiful office with lots of windows and work space (as opposed to the tiny hole I have now. Not that I'm complaining)
-The box of fabric Forrest's mom brought me today (and a pile of old records!) and what I'm going to do with it. I'm checkin' Megan Nielsen's little blog for inspiration. I might post pictures later this week, just to get a feel for what I've got and want

I hope everyone's having a good night and I'll sign off with a little Florence and The Machines: