Christmas happened! Oh happy happy joy joy! It was brilliant. It started snowing here around 7 or 8-ish and by the time I got up, we had an inch. It was crazy. And it just didn't stop. We had a very very white Christmas. My grandmother is here, and she is the bomb diggity. We gave her a BB gun for her major gift this year, and she was positively gleeful. How many grannies are that cool huh? The Boyfriend walked through the snow for me and came to the house it was so great. He showered me in gifts, and I hope he really liked mine. I pretty much made out like a bandit. New headphones, glow in the dark stars, A DIANA MINI (be still my heart), and beautiful new boots, just a few. We lazed around after we did gifts, and Forrest and I got invited to dinner at our gorgeous friend Hazel's house. She's the sweetest person in the world, so we slogged through the snow and ate a delicious, albeit unconventional dinner with her, and piled into her bed for cuddling and talking. We did go home to the family though, and watched Shakespeare In Love (such a good movie). It was probably the best Christmas I've had so far. So much to be happy about. I hope yours was equally wonderful.
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As for today, well, ain't got no plans, but I do have a date with my headphones and Andrew Bird, as well as a roaring fire and an unread book, so I'm having a ball.
Snow snow snow
Look at those beautiful icicles
Sweet Diana
Las bootas (yes, that is proper Spanish)
Stars to cover my ceiling so I can have constellations inside
Play in the snow, hug your brother, drink some hot chocolate, have a great day. Here's my Christmas present to you: