Monday, January 31, 2011

Recipe of Life

Next week, my momma is off at a writers conference in D.C. (Smart lady. So proud to have her as my mom), and the father, brother and I have divided the nights up for cooking. My kid brother immediately claimed his night as burrito night (anything more complicated would give him a headache, he said), and I have no idea what Dad is going to make. I want to do something I haven't done before, but I'm also tempted to make some good ole nachos. What to do what to do!? I've been looking at recipes and all of them sound so good I just can't decide. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm considering a black bean soup, homemade gourmet pizza, chinese dumplings, angel hair alfredo with shrimp, or the classic BLT. Oh, it all sounds so good. What a dilemma I'm in.
(I'll let you know how it goes when it comes to be)
Goodnight folks,
{Photo Credit:}

{Thats my cookin face}

Cupcakes and Cashmere

Oh, I am sure you've heard of her. But just in case you haven't checked her out, you need to right now. Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere is beautiful, AND she makes delicious sounding food, AND has lots of pretty clothes. The girls got me beat. Have fun reading all the way back to the beginning of her blog:
{Gorgeous right? Photo Credit: Cupcakes and Cashmere}

Earth Ships and Other Things

Have you ever thought about how much harm we do to the environment these days? I think about it every time I stand in the shower for longer than usual. (I also think about all the African babies dying of thirst while I leisurely shave my legs. I am such a morbid person sometimes.)
A couple days ago, in my art class, we watched this documentary called Garbage Warrior and I am now obsessed with Earth Ships. They are the most beautiful, genius houses I have ever seen. C'mon, a house that can provide food, warmth, and is made almost completely out of recycled materials? Thats the bomb dot com back slash amazing (Pardon my nerdiness). Seriously, go check it out, its awesome.
Mike Reynolds, the genius behind the idea. {Photo credit: Garbage Warrior)

{Photo credit: Urban Homes}

{Photo credit: ConcepTrends}

{Photo Credit: Earth Keeper Heroes}

{Can I please have a bathroom like that? Photo Credit: ConcepTrends}

{Photo credit: Vine}

In other news, I woke up in a really good mood this morning. Maybe it was that my shoulder which has been extremely painful for days is feeling a billion times better, or that I woke up earlier than usual feeling calm. Whatever it is, its prompted a good day. Ive been ready blogs, making lists (I am one of those list-makers. Its almost a compulsion now), made scrambled eggs with cayenne pepper, and ate a cupcake. Tonight, Boyfriend is coming over, and we're going to make a cake for my girlie Tatiana's birthday. Happy happy joy joy. Oh, and I'm wearing sparkly nail polish. What about this day isn't great?

I hope youre having a awesome day too. Here's a song I've been listening to on repeat lately. So good:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Awkward and Awesome

1. Fighting with my parents
2. My favorite bootstraps broke
3. Forrest is away skiing all weekend
4. Ripped tights
5. Getting a talk-to by Mr. Cop
6. No mo' cookies in the cookie jar
7. School on Saturday. Blegh.

1. Spontaneous good moods
2. Chocolate cake
3. A new play I went to see
4. Boyfriend (sorry, I couldn't help myself)
5. Monday off!
6. Sleeping in first period today cause we didn't do anything
7. Maybe getting a fancy camera? Fingers crossed. (Suggestions?)

Whoo boy, I'm tired. I bid you adieu.

Blundering Kisses

Dear Internet,

I hate getting in trouble. Like, I cry and act like a big baby about it, and even if I nearly escape trouble, or feel like someone is disapproving of something or like I've done something wrong, I get this shaky-shuddery feeling in my chest and sigh a whole bunch so that I don't flip out. No nice. And today, Fofo and I got a talk to by a cop. We were just kissing in the car (I know I know), and didn't realize we were trespassing. I was so scared and almost started crying. Forrest looked at me and talked sweet to me and it all ended up being okay, he let us drive away, I was just so scared and upset.

I need to get over that if I'm going to be a badass don't I?

But I have pictures for you! We made cookies the other night and took lots of pictures with our camera. I hope you like 'em.
I hope that you guys are having a lovely Friday (paaartay), and that you have a super fun weekend ahead of you. I'm gonna go listen to some Tegan and Sara cause they're straight amazing.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Heavy Like Whippin' Cream

Lots of love

Maybe my favorite picture of him?




Hot damn

"Get in the tree!" "Why?" "Just do it!"
Hello ladies and gents, I've got a bucket full of pictures for you today!
I am also deathly tired and a bit bruised up so as soon as these things load, it is off to bed with my sorry ass.
Background on the photos: They are from two different adventures that Forrest and I took. One was up for a drive on the parkway just as the sun was setting (it was like a baby adventure), and the other from a snowy day where we took our big red heart and went to the bird sanctuary. Didn't see to many birdies though.
Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Clothes and Kumbucha

Dear Bloggy Friends,

Hello how was your day? My day was pretty great. I got up early and went to a long long dance rehearsal that was very fun but very sleepy.........Yawn
Anywho, after that I hung out with the Boyfriend, moved some stuff from Brother Wolf (local animal shelter) over to the yardsale place as they are getting rid of lotsa stuff. Forrest and I decided to go on an adventure, but over course, we got distracted when we met their NEW ANGORA BUNNY! Talk about fluffy, he was so soft, his fur had just been shorn. Being the person I am, I wasted no time snatching him out of his cage for some cuddling. Poor thing has been trapped in a bunny mill with sixty to a hundred other bunnies and has never really been exposed to lovin', so he scratched at first and then he peed on me. Oh the horror. Of course, we couldn't stop laughing, and the ever stylish Mayo (Forrest's beautiful mom), let me grab some of her clothes to wear. Dress up time! Also made out like a bandit with some jewelry that was lying around. Score!

Up next on the agenda, kumbucha! I love it when its fizzy, like my friends mom makes it. Said friends mom offered to teach me in the ways and give her a scoby she has growing on hers (she has four already I think she said). She's such a badass, I love her, and I can't wait for my own yummy, detoxing goodness.

Last thing up. Outfit posts? I realized that 99.9 percent of the blogs I read are outfit blogs. I love them, they're like my crack. Plus, I almost always roll outta bed, throw on my old (and incredibly ripped) jeans, a fleece and some lipstick and walk out of the house. Maybe if I knew I'd be taking pictures everyday, I'd be a little more, ahem, motivated to look good and be creative. Sounds like a good thing to me. Maybe we'll start little and work out way up?
Well lovelies, its getting late and this girl has to get up early tomorrow (Unless they call school....pleasepleaseplease)
Goodnight! Oh, and here's some delicious tunes for your ears,

P.S. Adventures pictures tomorrow!
P.P.S. I got a letter from Julia today! Yes!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Good evenin'!
You know that Talking Heads song, Stay Up Late? Oh, thats awesome, its one of my favorite songs, but it has nothing to do with what I'm about to talk about this except for one thing: "Little toes!"
I love babies, I always have. I babysit a little brother and sister every week (who, for privacy reasons, will be known as "The Munchkins"), and always curse myself for not bringing my camera to document their every adorable move. Well, today, I babysat my kiddies and remembered the camera! Feast your eyes on this cuteness:
Baby B--Baby G moved out of the frame at the last second

Baby G's icecube

Baby B. So cute

Baby G likes her cookies and her icecubes
Baby B shows me his lego man
Conked out on the couch while watching a movie, sweet things

Baby G eating her cookie

Baby B lifting his big Elmo book onto the stool

Baby G--she's sucking on an icecube again

Baby B shows me his Elmo book

Baby B

Munchkins play with legos

Baby B  shows me another book

Baby B lies like a kitty on the stool

Baby G plays with blocks

Baby B shows me his Potato Man